Thursday, May 24, 2018


My final project in e-Comm was to make a short film. 5-7 minutes long. My group decided on Carson’s script about a store getting all of its harvest cheddar SunChips robbed. We don’t have a tag line because taglines are dumb. We kept in mind the shots and angles possible while revising the script and had some good ideas. We finished revising the story, adding an ending that made sense, and got started filming at Goodcents.

Our first day of filming at the location was a bust. We food establishing shots, but all of our dialogue ended up being worthless due to loud background noise and talking. We scrapped that footage and returned a second day, re-filming everything and getting more scenes on camera. We still had about a third left to go, so we went back for a third time. We got the rest of our shots done that day, (jack and carson couldn’t make it) and carson and I got started editing.

 I was one of the two editors for the film - carson was the other, and jack was the color corrector. I edited my half of the film fairly quickly, and Carson improved what he already had significantly. I learned how to overlay different footage onto another as if it was a computer screen, which is very useful. That’s about all I learned though.

After editing, I suggested the name ‘sellout’ and everyone else agreed. So I did that. I came up with the font as well, and made the outro.

Overall, I’m very happy with the outcome. A great note to end the year on.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


This past school year has really been something. I still remember back when Mr Olson was showing us how to animate a worm with the puppet pin tool. The most important thing I’ve learned these past 9 months is that what you plan will be very different than what you end up with. If you don’t prepare yourself enough.

Project Management

Getting things done in time is somewhat of an achilles heel for me. I’m a lazy worker so I push things off, or I do them extremely slowly. This was especially true on the animated story project:

It turned out decently I’d say, but that was only about half of what I had on my story board. Two weeks spent on designing the bird and the first scene really came to bite me when I only had one week left. I had to stay after school multiple times a week for hours to finish half of it. I really need to curb that habit of procrastinating.


Before we got to our story animation, however, we had to learn how to use photoshop and after effects. We first started on Photoshop to draw our worms and background scene. Then we moved on to After Effects and learned basic 2D animation. Our final product was a cute worm wriggling about:

I learned how to use the puppet pin tool, making basic shapes and shading, and then how to use keyframes in Adobe software - the most important thing of all.


Me and my fellows would often talk about our project ideas together. Take, for instance, our container project. Me and my classmates would discuss our ideas for different containers - mayonaise jars, soda cans, etc. Because of that, I was able to come up with my own idea very quickly. They helped inspire my muse and as a result Savannah Soda came into existence:


Working together is an integral part of any team, be it one member or twenty. Being able to successfully finish a project with others not only cuts down the workload, but the time as well. That was put in practice just last week, where we made a video with special effects and 3D modelling:

I was in a group of two, so the workload was distributed in two. We managed to finish on time and turned in an okay assignment. Proud of it.


We didn’t really have much opportunity for leadership in animation this year as there was only one group project. But I did try to be a good leader - egging others on to finish their work and such.


I think my greatest strength would have to be in VFX, and my greatest weakness Photoshop. I am not very good at design in general.

Thanks to this class I have become more accepting of turning in subpar work, as long as it’s done. I hope to improve and grow more as a person in general once I leave the program.

Bye Mr Olson E-con will miss you.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Bouncing Balls Maya

A while ago now, we went into the dock at school, and dropped a bowling ball, tennis ball, and then a golf ball. We then marked each time every ball hits the ground and their maximum height on an Excel spreadsheet. That took a while.

After that, we made the actual ball models. That was easy.

Then finally, we animated the balls to match up the bounces with the spreadsheet. That took a while as well, and was very monotonous. 

Overall I think I made the bounces look pretty good, but I messed up on the shadows. Mainly because there aren't any.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Soda Bottle

One of our last Maya projects was coming up with a drink or food product of our own imagination. I decided on a soda made from real savannah extract. Alcoholic too. Your welcome.

Anyway, I made the label in PhotoShop over the course of about two days, and this is what I came up with:

As you can see, I stuck the label onto a bottle. How? By using Maya of course.

I made a soda bottle shape using Nurbs and revolved it around 360 degrees. The cap I just made a solid purple color to match the label. I filled it up with a cut duplicate of the bottle, pasted on the label, and viola. Soda bottle.

Thank you.