Thursday, January 25, 2018



This is my favorite thing I've created in Maya so far. 

To make the handle, I created a long and tall rectangular shaft. I extruded said long and tall rectangular shaft's face to start on the head of the hammer. I extruded once more and spilt it into two pitchfork-looking things. I then rotated said forks down to make the claw of the hammer. 

For the striking part of the head, I just beveled it enough to round it off completely. 

Lastly, the handle. I split it into three distinctive parts and manipulated to look like a modern rubber handle. 


Then I was on to make it actually look "real", and not like it was 3D printed. I used the phong shader for the metal head, dark grey for the rubber handle, and a seamless grass texture for the ground for über realism.


Finally, I was ready to light it up. I used 3 directional light to simulate sunlight as well as natural light. Then I put in ambient light to really make it pop

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